Larry a bully who like to pick on weaker people.Larry is in his mid 20s. Larry is a bully. He goes after people who are smaller then him or elderly. He like to spit on them.


Today Larry really did himself proud.  He crept up behind an old man - in his late 70s.  He spit on the man and then took a swing at his head. Luckily he missed.  Then he began laughing like a hyena. The poor man can get no help from the police because they no longer seem to do anything but collect a pay check.

Yesterday Larry had a melt down. He went after his next door neighbor. The neighbor had gone out to get his mail.  Larry saw him and begin yelling obscenities at the elderly man.  The elderly man decided to ignore Larry.  Larry went out on the sidewalk infront of the elderly man. He continued to yell obscenities and threw rocks at the elderly man.  Larry did not stop until the elderly man went into his house.



Larry Has sunk to new lows.  He get very angry when he has to cleanup after his dogs.  Now he is throwing dog poop at the old man who in the house behind him.  He is also throwing the dog poop at the side of the house and windows.  There seems to be nothing the old man can do to stop him. He has an elder-abuse restraining order against Larry. But the police come out and will do nothing to help him.



In the last year an a half Larry has not given up harassing the elderly couple. Today he kicked at the elderly women and knocked over her bike as she was entering her yard. Damaging the groceries she was bringing home. Then he laughed and said he should beat her to the ground. He only left after she begin yelling for help.  She did not call the police because they wil do nothing here.

Since then he has thrown rocks at her when she is in her yard.  He also likes to throw his garbage in their yard and mail box. Even with a restraining order against him the police will do nothing to protect her or her husband.


© 2022 The Art of Linda